The project Design Wings is a project of non-financial support that brings together talents, knowledge and experience to create design products and services that are competitive and based on the principles of innovation and the digital and circular economy.

The main objective is to increase the competitive advantage, social responsibility and the added value created by Lithuanian businesses through design solutions based on the principles of innovation and the digital and circular economy, using the cultural and creative sector affected by the pandemic.

The project Design Wings involves companies from all over Lithuania, for which design solutions based on the principles of innovation and the digital and circular economy are developed by emerging design professionals and supervised by experienced mentors — highly skilled design experts. Participating companies develop design solutions for a product, for communication design (images, messages), or processes, services and interfaces.

  • Project Phase 1: 1 September 2022 – 31 January 2023
  • Project Phase 2: 1 March 2023 – 31 August 2023

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014–2020 Operational Programme for Investment of European Union Funds, with an allocation of €893,691.

The Lithuanian Council of Culture will implement the project until December 31st, 2023.

The first phase of the project has ended. It produced 15 design solutions, which were presented to the project community. Highlights of the evening are presented in a short video.