Project „Dizaino sparnai“
About the Project
The project Design Wings is a project of non-financial support that brings together talents, knowledge and experience to create design products and services that are competitive and promote social impact. The project Design Wings involves companies from all over Lithuania, for which design solutions are developed by emerging design professionals and supervised by experienced mentors — highly skilled design experts. Participating companies develop design solutions for a product, for communication design, or processes, services and interfaces.
For a presentation of the project, click here (follow the link)
How the project works?
The main objective is to increase the competitive advantage and the added value created by Lithuanian businesses through design solutions contributing to social impact.
Reasons to join the project
An opportunity to grow success
By participating in the project, you will contribute to the development of the country's cultural and creative industries sector, business competitiveness and innovation - which will allow to work together to achieve results not only in Lithuania, but also on international markets.
Increasing business value
The project develops digital, innovation and circular economy-based design solutions - the future of business - that go hand in hand with reducing environmental impact and social responsibility.
New talent and an advantage
Collaboration in the project opens up opportunities for talent: emerging design professionals have the chance to gain experience and lay the foundations for a solid professional career, while businesses have the chance to consolidate their competences and market advantages.

Design Wings mentors embody the balance of knowledge and experience, the ability to solve problems, and the leadership principles that are based on professionalism, impartiality, integrity, confidentiality, equality and collegiality. They will help novice designers and companies connect with each other and will guide them to the final creative output.

The creative engine of the project Design Wings is talented people, who have graduated during the last five years, have ideas and knowledge, also are willing to put their skills into practice. They create design solutions based on digital, innovative, and circular economy principles that can shape the future of business.

Businesses and NGOs have a significant impact on the economy, society and the environment, and their activities create an impact on communities, promote sustainable practices and address a range of economic and social challenges. They represent qualitative transformation, the potential of ideas, a competitive spirit and the desire to add business value in a socially responsible way, contributing to the success story of the country as a whole.